Monday, May 16, 2016

Entertainment Business Finance - Professional Blog

Financial  Pipeline, or "Fine Pipe" is sort of finance education site. It isn’t exactly the place for actual financial information. You won’t find the income statements or balance sheets of fortune 500 companies, here. However, it is good for learning more about personal and business finance. There are a number of articles to be found on it that are helpful for those without a plethora of financial knowledge. The material covers a wide array of subjects and the site is fairly easy to navigate, with a viewable archive of articles, accessible simply by scrolling down. Articles are also rated, based on the difficulty of the lessons being spoken about in them. There’s an “Easy,” category, and “Intermediate,” and so-on. The site covers a wide range of topics, such as how to read one’s credit card statement, to getting good tax rebates. It’s more that straightforward financial information, as well. It also covers a number of subjects that, while not inherently financial, can have an impact on a person’s finances, such as divorce. It could assist me, personally, with subjects that I may not entirely grasp, financially speaking.

            TheEconomist is a business magazine that reports on pretty much anything and everything that could have an impact on one’s finances. They cover global news and politics, new technological advances, and culture. They have a section for breaking down economics, which reports on the status of various markets, and another for updates in business and finance, with information of things like the tax changes and the like. Their multimedia section isn’t about popular media, so much as it is their own original content. It includes videos, radio content, and so on, all regarding topics with a financial bend, such as the current presidential race.  Then there’s their debate section, which is exactly as it says on the tin; a place to debate. Overall I could see myself using this site to, on some level, stay up to date with certain business trends. Though the site doesn’t touch on the entertainment industry in any great detail.